Favorite color out of these?

Monday, November 28, 2011


            I believe the theme of Stormchaser is "Even if all seems lost, keep trying" this is seen in many situations throughout Twig's journey when he falls from the ship, stuck in the Mire, and lost in the hyponotic Twilight Woods.


                I believe Stormchaser is related to Hell's Heroes in which there is betrayal occuring. In Stormchaser, Spleethe subjects to mutiny and tries to kill the captain. In Hell's Heroes, Bec betrays the other two pieces of the Kah-Gash, Kernel and Grubbs, and heads to the castle of the demon master, Lord Loss. Apparently, many never like their superiors, or their comrades.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

          "In fact, you must believe me when I say to you that Sanctaphrax will never ever be the same again." page 346 paragraph 5
              Once the stormphrax was placed in darkness, the effect was immediate. Equilibrium was restored, at a cataclysmic price. The academics above felt a tremor which made them flee for their lives. Now, to deal with that dishonest Vilnix.
        "'What it takes hundreds of years for the Twilight Woods to do naturally, we can do with a single crushing blow. But that blow can only, must only, fall at the very moment of...'
        'Twilight!' gasped Twig." page 285-6 paragraphs 8,1, 2
                  After killing Screed, during the professor's last moments, Twig discovers the secret to making phraxdust. But how can they spread word if they are stuck in the mire? Twig realizes he is in a wrecked sky ship, the Windcutter, and if he and the Stone Pilot, the only crew member left can fix it...
      "'One down,' he chuckled. 'Four to go.'" page 268 paragraph 2
                In the Mire, the wasteland formed from all the trash dumped out of Undertown; Screed, the lanky, suspicious, and avarice creature had stealthily sneaked past Twig and his remaining crew to attack them from behind. He had taken their money, and now wishes to rid himself of the crew. The question is simply, why?...
          "Deep shadows, pools of brightness. Charcoal and chalk." page 195, paragraph 2
                     On the Edge, the Twilight Woods are a hypnotic and enigmatic place. After abandoning ship, Twig  catches the beautifully wondrous sight of the single mighty bolt of stormphrax escaping the Great Storm, but then realizes he is still in midair, and plummets into the Twilight Woods, losing consciousness. The search for the stormphrax, and the Stormchaser's crew has begun...
From The Edge Chronicles: Stormchaser
                  "Spleethe was fishing. The Leaguesmaster had demanded more of him than he had expected~taking the Stormchaser, killing Cloud Wolf, delivering the stormphrax."
                  Slyvo Spleethe is the quartermaster aboard the sky ship known as the Stormchaser, who plans to kill Twig's father, captain of the Stormchaser, so he would become the new captain. Spleethe persuades Twig to stowaway on the ship, Twig takes the offer, not knowing he would be taken hostage in an attempt to kill his father.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

            From The Edge Chronicles:Stormchaser
"The thick, red blood turned into crystal-clear water..."
            After creating the sepia powder, now called "phraxdust" the other academics repeat the process. The stormphrax explodes, leaving only one academic alive by the name of Vilnix Pompolnius. A drop of his blood falls into the phraxdust transforming into pure water. Now the question is, why did it not work the second time?
           From The Edge Chronicles:Stormchaser

"He had destroyed the priceless stormphrax."
           You probably must be asking, "What in the world is stormphrax?" Well, it is a piece of pure lightning containing great amounts of energy. It's as light as a feather in light but in darkness, it wieghs more than a couple tons. The academics of the floating city, sanctaphrax have been secretly trying to harness its power. What this academic has just done, he smashed a valuable piece of the stormphrax, creating an odd sepia colored powder.